Purchase a block on our Commemorative Wall located in our Gymnasium for you, your family, your business or in memory of someone for only $30.
Flu Shots are thru the Health Department and will be FREE for those who have a Medicare or Medicaid card and a valid form of identification. Those who do not have this information will be required to show their insurance cards.
Flu Shots available at the Madison Mayodan Recreation Center. Shots are free with your Medicare/Insurance Card). Oct 4th from 8am-10am by CVS Oct. 9th from 9am – 12pm by Health Department
Madison Mayodan Recreation will be hosting a Holiday Mall on Saturday, November 16th from 8am-2pm here at the Madison Mayodan Recreation Center. We have 55 vendors! We have baked goods, crafts, jewelry, & much more! We will also have Pictures with Santa, Dewey’s Bakery & Chic-Fil-A available that day. Please come enjoy shopping & getting in the holiday spirit with us at the Madison Mayodan Recreation Center.
Bingo Will be held at the Madison Mayodan Recreation Center from 9am – 12pm on Friday, February 14th. Cost is $5 which includes a card and a Subway lunch.
The Madison Mayodan Recreation Center will host a Virtual Yard Sale from August 24th – September 4th. Go to the Madison Mayodan Recreation Facebook page to view items. You will post BUY in the comment section of the item you would like to purchase and you will have 24 hours to pay for the purchase item. If not paid for in 24 hours that item will go back on sale.
Explore Archery is an Instructor’s Guide to Beginner Archery Programs. The curriculum is developmentally progressive and takes students from simple games to shooting in more complex competitions. This covers beginners to the more advanced shooters. Under the instruction of Joseph Smith, Joseph is a qualified US Archery Level 2, 7 time ASA multi State Champion, 2019 Shooter of the Year, 2019 ASA Pro/am National Champion, 2018 Powerade State Games Gold Medalist. 2x NC USA Archery State Championship Silver Medalist. Session will be every Wednesday in September in the gym at the Madison Mayodan Recreation Center from 6:00pm-7:30pm
Volleyball Camp Instructed by Jennie Sola & Kristine Sola-Bradford Cost $50 for entire camp Elementary – Thurs., 9/17 6-8pm, Sat. 9/19 11am-1pm & Sun. 9/20 1pm-3pm Middle School – Fri., 9/18 6-8pm, Sat. 9/19 1pm-3pm & Sun. 9/20 3pm-5pm
Recreation Specialist (Senior Center Supervisor) Major Duties and Qualifications: This position is responsible for all duties related to developing, coordinating and implementing a variety of recreational and leisure programs as well as maintaining existing programming for citizens ages 55 and over and the summer day camp program. Programmer will also assist with the Commission’s special events and is responsible for all aspects of the Rockingham County Senior Games. Securing sponsorships and marketing for all senior programs and assigned special events is required. This position will oversee the general operation of the recreation center. Applicant must have the following skills: computer, organizational and leadership abilities and budget management. Duties include, but are not limited to: -Plans, organizes, coordinates, and implements recreation programs for assigned age groups and at assigned facilities. -Ensures that facilities are clean, safe, and ready for scheduled events. -Registers program participants; schedules facilities for program activities. -Enforces safety rules and regulations. -Develops and coordinates special recreational events. -Maintains required records and documents. -Performs other related duties as assigned. -Maintain the North Carolina Division of Aging and Adult Services Certification -Supervise the recreation center part-time employees and a seasonal senior assistant. The applicant will possess a Bachelor’s […]
Madison – Mayodan Recreation will be hosting Sports Camps the entire month of October. Sports, days & times are below. You can register online at m-mrec.org or in person/by phone at the Madison Mayodan Recreation Center. Cost is only $10/session Basketball Instructed by Lamar Tatum Location – Madison Mayodan Rec Center Day & Times – Saturdays – 1pm – ages 6-9 & 2:30pm ages 10-13 Cheerleading Instructed by Gini Cardwell Location – Madison-Mayodan Rec Center Day & Times – Tuesdays 6:30pm-8pm (starting 10/13 thru 11/3) Girls Basketball Instructed by Taylor Lueger & Mike Elrod Location – Madison-Mayodan Rec Center Day & Time – Tuesdays 4:30pm-5:30pm Football Instructed by Brandon Bertotti Location – Jake Adkinson Park Day & Times – Tuesdays 6pm – age 8-11 & 7pm Middle School (ages 12-14) Golf Instructed by Ryan Stevens Location – Farris Park Day & Time – Wednesdays 5pm – Elementary (ages 8-11) & 6pm – Middle School (ages12-14) Soccer Instructed by Mike Wilkins Location – Farris Park Days & Times – Mondays 6pm – ages 7-9 & Tuesdays 6pm ages 10-13 Speed & Agility Instructed by Anthony Crews Location – M-M Rec Days & Times – Wednesdays & Fridays 4pm – ages 8-12 […]
Give blood. Help save lives. To schedule your appointment, please call 1-800-RED-CROSS or visit www.redcrossblood.org and enter sponsor code: Madison Mayodan.
JOIN US FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6 AT 9:00AM!! We will have “Drive In Breakfast” sponsored by the Madison-Mayodan Rotary Club. Pull in the lower parking lot to receive your FREE breakfast along with an November Recreation Calendar and a mask donated by United Way. PLEASE CALL THE REC CENTER @ (336) 548-2789 TO PUT YOUR NAME DOWN TODAY.